๐Ÿ”Chiknz Farmz ๐Ÿ”ด

Bringing you to the Chikn Farmz - Ended August 2023

Chikn Portalz, the Gateway to the Chikn Farmz

Through this Portalz, Skullz access their Chikn Farm and go worm picking on those Bok Bok Landz

Great Skullz are better than Legendaries at worm picking. They will bring $WORM from their journey. The more they are worm picking, the more they bring.

Accepted NFTs

Staking Rewards

$WORM rewards are based on the Rarities of your Skullz but in the Chiknz Portalz, Greatz are the new Legendz meaning that your Great MadSkullz are better at worm picking than the Legendary ones.

RarityDaily Rewardz

Legendary NFTs

5 $WORM / day

Epic NFTs

25 $WORM / day

Rare NFTs

35 $WORM / day

Great NFTs

40 $WORM / day


In Chiknz Portalz, multiplier is linked to the number of Skullz you send. The more you send, the more efficient they are.









Relicz Utility

This portalz allows your NFTs to access the worldz equipped with Relicz. Relicz have a specific utility in each worldz (defined below). Keep in mind that you'll also be able to find Relicz while traveling there.

Last updated